Actually, that's not quite all; there are a number of operations on arrays that are much more elegant to express in Numeric or Numarray than they are with standard Python data types and syntax. 实际上不仅仅如此;许多数组操作用Numeric或者Numarray来表达比起用标准Python数据类型和语法来表达要优雅得多。
In the second part, we have inspected the marked ordinal number, and analyzed the different syntax characteristics of the marked ordinal number when it indicate the order. 第二部分对有标记序数进行了深入的句法考察,分析了各有标记序数在表示顺序时的不同句法特点。
In modem Chinese, the number of verb syllables has certain influence upon the collocation function of the verb and its function as a syntax element. 在现代汉语中,动词音节个数对其搭配功能、充当句法成分等功能都有影响。
A great number of use of special language existed in the language law is one of the important content of research in syntax and rhetoric. 语言规律中存在的大量特殊语言运用现象是语法学和修辞学重要的研究内容。
Noun not only has great number, but also has many types. In addition to general grammatical functions of noun, each sub noun has their own syntax features. 名词不仅数量多,种类也很多,每一小类名词除具有名词的一般语法功能之外,还具有各自的语法特点。
From the point of view of grammar study "Zuo Zhuan" works number, but is related to syntax and function word research, so far, no one on the "Zuo Zhuan" adverbs of time made special investigation. 从语法角度研究《左传》的论著为数不少,但多是涉及句法和虚词的研究,迄今,尚无人对《左传》的时间副词作过专门的考察。
However, there is not an absolutely decisive relationship between the number of discourse markers and the writing quality. Therefore, teachers should cultivate the students 'awareness in stylistics, syntax and pragmatics and enable students to use discourse markers properly, flexibly and diversely. 但是话语标记语的多少和写作质量并非绝对成正比,教师应该培养学生的文体、句法和语用意识,使学生能够正确恰当,灵活多样的使用话语标记语。